The Newsletter of the Mythic Imagination Institute, a Non-profit Arts and Education Corporation
      In preparation for Mythic Journeys 2004 in Atlanta, GA
May/June, 2003 

Our rich cultural heritage of myth, story, and ritual scatters breadcrumbs that guide us through the dark forests of life. Their archetypal patterns hide clues for finding meaning in an increasingly dangerous world, and provide metaphors for inspiring art, poetry, conflict resolution, mental well-being, and personal growth. Join us for our flagship conference as we bring together some of the very best minds working to keep myth alive for a festival of conversations, performances, and workshops in celebration of the Joseph Campbell Centennial.

Be astonished. Be transformed. The journey will be amazing.

Mythic Journeys 2004
June 3-7 Atlanta, Georgia
As you may know, the first Mythic Journeys conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Atlanta.

It will essentially be comprised of two conferences. A main conference and performance festival, and an intimate pre-conference. 

The main conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 5 and 6, 2004, and we expect between 1,500 and 3,000 participants.

The pre-conference will focus on intimate gatherings, performances, and in-depth workshops, will be limited to only 250 attendees, and will be held on Thursday and Friday, June 3 and 4.

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    "People are itchy and lost and bored and quick to jump at any fix. Why is there such a vast self-help industry in this country? Why do all these selves need help? They have been deprived of something by our psychological culture. They have been deprived of the sense that there is something else in life, some purpose that has come with them into the world." 

    - James Hillman 

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